I'm Back Baby!!!

So what do I talk about? Do I talk about Microsoft Word that ditched on me for no apparent reason in the middle of my struggle trying to write this piece? Actually it was the whole Microsoft package but that’s given because that is how it is. The whole suite expires when it does so. And was it really that unapparent? Let’s face it. I was on a cracked version of the software and why should I be intrigued let alone getting mad for failure of a thing that is, well, expected to give in any time. I did install the popular Libre Office which is a free alternative to Microsoft. But it just didn’t have that vibe. Yeah the “Stuck in the office, staring at the virtual paper, trying to figure out the fuckery that got you there” vibe. And yes, this file did have the opportunity of being opened in Libre Office’s Word Processor too. Talking about carried away, that was quite a lot of it.


So what now? Why am I back at my blog after more than a year? I did learn quite a lot of thing in this hiatus. Do I pour them out so my readers (yeah, they exist) get small bits of the whole enlightenment package that I got? Fuck, No! My enlightenment will hardly make any sense to the readers (which I swear to god, have eagerly waited for this piece) and I do feel kind of selfish not letting them have a look into my briefcase of shiny, shiny enlightenment. Something like that Pulp Ficiton movie, where they just tease the briefcase. But did not seeing what was inside make it all the more memorable. Isn’t there something poetic about that? Sometimes it’s best to keep some things kind of hidden or something. But what do I know.


And did I get my Microsoft suite repaired? I did download some cracks and tried to fix that thing up but they were all the same – ineffective to be precise. So the answer is “No, I didn’t get it fixed.” I ended up completing this piece on the word pad thing that comes preinstalled on your computer. And did I really complete this piece?

Medusa In Coffee Shop

I sat there with my untouched cup,
when the misty thicket gave way,
and went with it, it’s perennial plague,
freeing the mind, from blinding cage.

I sat there with my frozen limbs,
when I saw my timid thoughts,
seldom spared in imagined realms,
reflected in her gleaming eyes.

I sat there when they began to flow,
the streams of longing and the lust,
the river of yearning for her love,
concealed in darkness until then,
deprived of warmth at frozen depths.

I sat there still; a stone turned soul.
Her simple glance, like medusa’s gaze.
Fervent flames of desires burnt
In the helpless heap of stone.

She sat there poised, a tree in spring.
Calm as ever, like a breeze of spring.
Unruffled thoughts, she took her sips.
And I sat there, with storms within.


Bhutanese "Tumblr" Girls

Sophisticated woman

Sophisticated women are hot. Period. A man easily melts when he’s around a woman who, along with being able to turn every head when she arrives at a function, can also capture their intellectual attention when given the spotlight. Some may choose to call them beauties with brain. But that would be too cheesy a phrase, especially by a sophisticated woman standard, and might all together, fail to do justice to their actual personas. Their sophistication does not stem from a master’s degree or a doctorate, nor from the bulky textbooks, although women who have these are equally capable, as any other, for the title. The sophistication actually, buds off of their ability to comprehend the nuances in a subject matter and easily distinguish each. This is the thing that drives a man crazy. A man is too distracted to understand all the little details and when he sees a woman, effortlessly sort a seemingly same thing from another, his brain wires blow off in a mixture of admiration and self-doubt. However, this article isn’t about these women.

Bhutanese instagram girl
Photographer: Carl Ibale

Tumblr girls

I’m going to put on my gloves, take up my surgery kits, perform a dissection and bring to your notice, dear readers, the makings of a Bhutanese Tumblr girl. What is a Tumblr girl, you ask? In the lines of the American rapper, G-Eazy from his song “Tumblr girls”:

“'Cause I'm in love with these Tumblr girls, with skinny waists and drug habits
Pretty faces love status, she acts as if she's the baddest”.

If you try to delve a step deeper into these lines’ meaning, you will realize that you have arrived at a dead end. Just like you used to do when your high school English teacher made you explain, in a paragraph (oh my god, the horrors!) what the poet felt when he penned that the sky was blue. A Tumblr girl aspires to be a sophisticated woman, when all she can actually be is an annoying, self-centered, narcissistic – ah, I wince every time I say this word – Instagram influencer. Oh, I forgot, Bhutanese tumblr girls do not use Tumblr, they are on Instagram. Sorry supplicated ladies, being a man myself, I overlooked a small nuance right there. Alright, alright it was a noticeable one, but what do you want me to do? Stop writing? Delete this blog? Huh? 

Again, in the profound words of the great G-Eazy:

“She said she can't feel her face”, which I would rather have changed in the lines of her not feeling her brain. Right? So there you have it folks, those are our Tumblr girls. Tumblr girls are pretty and they are so used to the online praises for their beauties that the mere like and heart reactions on Facebook, won’t do it anymore so they migrate over to Instagram and embark on the great expedition of amassing the highest number of followers. And in the spirit of wannabe sophisticated women, which they are so not, they caption each of their photos such that they want to let the world know that “they are the baddest”. All hail G-Eazy.

Bhutanese Tumblr Girls Rule 1

You should at least have a bikini post on your Instagram. If you are reading this and if you are a girl and if you aspire to be a Tumblr girl, then ask yourself, “Do I have a pair of bikinis?”. If no, then you better whip out your phone (assuming you’re reading this on your computer) and start on-line shopping a good pair of bikinis. Because you just have to. And the rationale behind this rule, I have no clue, none whatsoever.

Bhutanese Tumblr Girls Rule 2

So you’re in a fancy, high-end restaurant and your order has finally arrived after a gruesome wait, what do you do? Eat? No stupid, you take a photo of the meal. And mind you, you have to hold your phone straight, parallel to the table. Because if you do not have a photo of a meal in an expensive restaurant, you cannot cross the bar for the Tumblr girls.

Bhutanese Tumblr Girls Rule 3

Where’s your party post? A Tumblr girl must have a mirror selfie of herself with a group of other tumblr girls in the rest room of a party hall. Because if she doesn’t, she’s too country to be of the prestigious group. In the selfie, she should have a slightly tilted head and her lips should be unnaturally curled to give an 80’s Rockstar expression. And just in case you are not aware, the parties must either be Viva City or Space in Thimphu. No other parties allowed. Period.

Space 34, Viva city, Ace club

Bhutanese Tumblr Girls Rule 4

Whether you read or not, you have to have one book post. You should have a photo of a book near your laptop (if it’s an apple, “Griffindor, ten extra points”) and your phone (Hmm, how will you take the photo then? Well, you should have an extra phone, which should have been a rule actually, but never mind). And the caption in such posts should be something in line of the book being your companion and ridding of you the need for a man in your life.

Bhutanese Tumblr Girls Rule 5

A winter/fall post. This post should show off your winter overalls and those leather boots you could  have worn had you had a horse. Don’t forget your muffler though. And a summer post. Tank tops, denim shorts, and your sneakers. If you have these, then you’ll have a solid summer post.

Bhutanese Tumblr Girls Rule 6

This one applies if you’re working abroad especially in Australia. Never, never ever post anything that has to do with you labouring. Just show the brighter side of the coin. Like having a cold one or going to the movies. Simple.

Bhutanese Tumblr Girls Rule 7

You just keep on repeating these rules and congratulations, you are officially a Bhutanese Tumblr girl now. And one final note, don’t forget to post about every single moment of your day in your stories so the whole world knows how sophisticated wannabe you are. *Wink.

Stay tuned dear readers. Part two will be on understanding the makings of a Wechat aunty.

The Distance

The heart capsizes and sinks
in the sea of her absence.
Looming in its uncharted water,
an eerie air of unknown.

Through the upheaval of tides,
against the fainting glow of
raging rain-ripened clouds,
he hears the song of sirens.
Their melody, as ever enticing
yet poignantly retelling of
their out worldly ethereality.

The capsized heart, it spirals
in its bottomless grave
of listless, morbid water.
But for divine miracle of his faith,
in its dying undiscerning gasps,
amidst the rhythm of the tides,
it drifts ashore
to the longed-for land
where her love courses 
an endless river.

Solemn Silence

The serenity of solemn silence,
Untangled in vines of words
Uttered in hasted moment of lust
Or in uneasiness of its aftermath.

Unscoured in roughness of waves,
Fed by vehement longings for
Tomorrows to come, yet overlooked,
The very wreck nearing the horizon.

Upheld in the clarity of a spring
That glistens the untamed mountain,
And in soothe of the breeze
That shrouds the untouched pines.

In the dance of the two pairs,
In bowing and the sways,
At the heart of solemn silence,
Lies purity of unblemished emotions
Unworthy of taints of any human words.

The Curious Case of Bhutanese Millennial, Did They Kill the Zhung Dra?

If you were born anytime between the early 1980's and mid-1990's, technically, you are a millennial. This means today, the oldest among this lot are approaching their 40's while the youngest are in their mid-20's. As per the Population and Housing Census of Bhutan 2017, people falling in this age group constitutes 27.5% of the total population. And for the purpose of this article, I will be referring to millennials, as those falling in the age group of 25-35 years. Let’s call them young millennials for simplifying the matter. For the folks in 35-40 years age group, bros, bros, bros, listen - you just have to know that your playlist of 80's Hindi songs is where we draw the line. And no, we don’t really understand your fascination for Wechat.

Today, we are branded as degenerates who missed out on being moulded by the good old tough way of life and spoilt by all comforts that came accompanying the modernization. We have become a heat sink for the old folks to pour out their frustrations and an easy target to point to, for all the things gone south. We have been accused of being emotionally incompetent, tarnishing the value of love and lacking the drive to do anything. We are the reasons for rise in divorce cases and decline of natality rate in the country. We killed the zhung dra and robbed tshechus off of their sacredness. Heck, I’m sure there are some old folks who blamed us for all of the natural calamities that have occurred in the country in recent years.

We were brought up by a generation who were inspired to change. Change, not in the sense of a complete break up from our values and traditions, but one which adopted the good things the modernization had to offer and abandoned the ailing practices that the old ways promoted. And as a consequence, the young millennial, when we grew up, we were not exactly the good old-fashioned young adults our parents had been, back in their times. And when they saw this, they found all the reasons to come up with the narrative of the degenerate generation.

However, if they could only practice a tiny bit of empathy that they so fervently use in their rhetoric, they could see how misunderstood a generation we really are. The late 80s and 90s was a time when Bhutan was completing the last stages of embracing modernization. Televisions and internet had finally touched people’s lives. New ideologies and concepts were seeping in. People saw that they were way behind and felt a need to pace up and adapt. They became aware of what formidable force education was, how rewarding investment, a good health proved to be and saw wonders of having a small family. They prioritized their careers more, focused on acquiring financial stability before starting a family. They wanted better lives for their children. The young millennials were brought up in this period, where their parents were going through a paradigm shift in their ways of thinking. And indeed, this had an impact.

The tear in the fabric of true sense of Bhutanese familyhood was inadvertently initiated during this period. People turned into careerists and family moved down the list of priorities. Kids were sent to schools at tender ages of 5. “Busy” became a part of our daily lexicon. Long gone were the old ways of eating together and conversing. We ate alone mostly and during the rare occasions of dining together, we did it in front of a lifeless box that did nothing but intensify and aggravate our self-consciousness.

At schools, we were taught to work hard and study well in order to succeed in life. We were taught to put our careers first and stand on our feet before getting into the worldly affairs. We did as we were told but there can be only so much the government can provide for us. Unemployment has been rampant for some years now and despite the government’s effort to tone it down in figures, we can see its consequence. There are thousands of millennials without jobs and even those supposedly “lucky ones” or “the creams” are not satisfied in the top tier jobs they have secured. Because as blatant as it may sound, the jobs just don’t pay well. That’s why we don’t want to settle down anytime soon. We just can’t afford to start families in such positions. So you see, every year, hundreds of millennials leave the country in search for jobs in foreign lands.

Maybe in the spirit of the old folks, we should blame their generation for where the economy stands today. For gifting us with this unemployment epidemic that has rendered us with all the symptoms, they incessantly condescend us for. But no, we are the Bhutanese millennials and beyond all critiques, we are a responsible generation who still upholds the Bhutanese values. We work hard as we were taught and we look at challenges, not as hurdles but as blessings in disguise for us to capitalize on. And we shall move ahead, no matter the pace. We will keep the Bhutanese essence well preserved and flourishing for all times to come.

P.S: And no! We did not kill zhung dra. Let's just say that the elders let their eardrums indulge a little too much to the tunes of the 80s Bollywood music when the cassette players became popular. Just as they saw their lives one step too backward in the modern scene, they felt the same about zhung dra and made some tweaks to the genre and allowed the proliferation of what is known today, as Rigsar (the new kind). All the more reason why the young millennials do not listen to the 80s Hindi music.
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